Tools at Home and Inspirational Books

Discover my favorite fitness tools that are designed to challenge you and elevate your workouts, along with a curated selection of inspirational books that will keep you growing, motivated, and inspired on your personal and fitness journey.



Fitness tools to help you feel better and have fun at home with you workout.
  • Stability Ball

    Stability Ball

    Add balance and stability to a workout or use it as your office chair.
  • Foam Roller

    The foam roller helps you massage your muscles, stretch and it is awesome to add more challenge to certain exercises.
    Foam Roller
  • Medicine Ball 

    Bring some life to buddy training! 6 lb medicine ball is good to start with.
    6 lb Medicine Ball
  • Tubing

    Tubing is great for home workouts, especially back exercises like rows. It's also fun with a workout buddy.
  • Dumbbells

    A must-have for home workouts: a starter set of 3, 5, and 7 lb dumbbells.


Books For Relationships, Health, Growth, Creativity, Love And Life